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Yuneec E-GO2 Tunen


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I am tinkering with my e go 2 and i changed the esc to an vesc so an better an programmable one and soon i will rewire the battery(10s2p), if my calculations are true i should get almost 30kmh and the hole mod costs 90€ so a bit more than a pair of new wheels. I will keep you updated if it works out ^^. If i dont forget 


LG Leo B


I am tinkering with my e go 2 and i changed the esc to an vesc so an better an programmable one and soon i will rewire the battery(10s2p), if my calculations are true i should get almost 30kmh and the hole mod costs 90€ so a bit more than a pair of new wheels. I will keep you updated if it works out ^^. If i dont forget 


LG Leo B

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