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Carbon AT confiscated by police in Berlin


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Since I got my board back (and got back to Berlin after some traveling) I've been using it all the time - so far no problems.


Riding on Tempelhofer Feld is a blast - in 1hr05min 25 kilometers and the battery was still good (no stoppages). Probably it helps that with all the gear my weight is about 70kg. And I had the gear since riding at 35km/h would be a bit risky without proper protection.


Later on when riding around Tiergarten I did see one police car and kick-pushed... all ok. Then just when I was approaching home two cops came around the corner - again kick-pushing and not a second look.


I do have one question though - if anyone can clarify it would be helpful. How can the walkways in Tiergarten be regulated by StVO? This regulation applies to open streets, bike lanes and pedestrian walkways - clear - but a green zone without a street to it? Shouldn't it be like Tempelhof?

Since I got my board back (and got back to Berlin after some traveling) I've been using it all the time - so far no problems.


Riding on Tempelhofer Feld is a blast - in 1hr05min 25 kilometers and the battery was still good (no stoppages). Probably it helps that with all the gear my weight is about 70kg. And I had the gear since riding at 35km/h would be a bit risky without proper protection.


Later on when riding around Tiergarten I did see one police car and kick-pushed... all ok. Then just when I was approaching home two cops came around the corner - again kick-pushing and not a second look.


I do have one question though - if anyone can clarify it would be helpful. How can the walkways in Tiergarten be regulated by StVO? This regulation applies to open streets, bike lanes and pedestrian walkways - clear - but a green zone without a street to it? Shouldn't it be like Tempelhof?


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