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Carbon AT confiscated by police in Berlin


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Dear All,


First of all - I can understand most stuff in German but given the fact I have a limited vocabulary and no clue about the grammar I prefer not to insult the locals by writing - when I speak it's still better than most kebabs so it'll do but writing is another matter.


Today while riding through Berlin I was stopped by police on bicycles close to the Reichstag. I was stopped like this before and thought they just want to ask questions. Not so lucky today. They told me they do not know whether my KFZ is legal and so they have to confiscate it and send it to be tested as street-worthy or not. Oh - and this will most likely take 2-3 weeks to complete...


They argued that they do not know how to approach this (why the hell did they decide to "approach" at all?) and possibly I'd need:


- Kennzeichen (where?!),

- Versicherung,

- Zulassung (how?!),

- Fuhrerschein (that was really funny...).


I even told them that I do have insurance - Haftpflicht which specifically mentions boats, sport related toys etc both with and without motors - but they argued that it may only apply on private grounds (not correct - since it specifically mentions open waters and streets - for example if I cause damage when riding a bicycle - that's why I have it in the first place).


They even told me that motorized unicycles are allowed since they do not go faster than 25kph and they noticed while riding behind me that I was going about 20kph... (can someone point me to the logic of this statement - cause I can't seem to grasp it).


So now I'll be waiting for a call tomorrow from the Polizeidirektion LPVA DL 43, Kfz-Sicherstellung - or if they don't call I'll call them and try to negotiate the release of my board...


If anyone has any thoughts or ideas related to this - please do comment below (any language will do).






You'll get it back, but the situation is rather unfriendly from a legal perspective:

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Still a long way to go to change things here! It seems to be more fun to prosecute e-skaters than chasing the real bad guys...


If you have Facebook join the german evolve group here:

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Other members have also have the same problem. Not many but it seems to happen if you are unlucky.


ufff ... you must drive more kick push in berlin coty .... I never fet stopped by police last 6 years :confused5:

hope you can fix that problem. Yout skate drives only 6 km/H :-)


Dear All,


Below a few facts - first up the answer from Allianz about a separate KFZ insurance of the board:


wir erhielten Ihre Anfrage bezüglich Ihres Elektro-Boards. Wie gewünscht, erhalten Sie die Information per EMail.

Leider müssen wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass wir das Risiko dieser Fahrzeuge derzeit nicht versichern. Wir können

Ihnen daher kein Angebot für ein Elektro-Skateboard erstellen.

Wir bitten für diese Entscheidung um Ihr Verständnis. Für weitere Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gern zur Verfügung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ihre Allianz


So that's it there. Second thing - my board will be "tested" on Thursday roughly 12:00-14:00 and I should call them around 14:00 to receive info about the outcome of the test.


I asked them whether I'm being charged with anything at the moment and the lady said that at this time I'm not charged with anything, testing will be done from taxpayers purse and so until Thursday that's how it stands. What will happen then... we shall see.






so your board is on the police station now? shit. can you put the board in an slow drive / beginner mode so that it will be only drives slowly when you trigger the control from zero to full speed. I think evolve has such beginner mode with 10km/h max speed ?!

You must switch on this mode before they test it. I think they test the board with you together because the most people dont know how to start such a skateboard.

This board is too big to drive with in a city as a normal longboard. I tested this carbon and its soo long and not good moveable to drive through the city traffic


Chrizz - that's a very good question - how will they be able to test it... The policewoman that confiscated the board asked me how to switch it on and operate it - I guess they just assume that the guess at the technical department will manage...


Anyhow - the board will be in the slower mode after switching on and this will give something to the tune of 18kph (more or less) - given the size of the average policeman - probably less than that. This is good news because the vehicles that do not reach more then 25kph are taken lightly, those that go faster have much tougher time.


What I'm hoping for is this - an analysis that says the max speed is roughly 18kph and so this is something like monowheel etc and does not require Zulassung and Versicherung. If I get that in writing... well... then we're all home :P I know - too much to hope for - but I'll keep on hoping till Thursday...


so we hope when they test the board with this low speed that they only give you a warning and the board back to you :skep:

hope you have luck cause there not many of that boards driving in Berlin. .....


Actually there is no need to run any speed tests...

I'm pretty sure the first thing they do is an internet research.


Good Luck, I hope it won't get to expensive and no points in Flensburg.


We had this disscusion already countless times.


As long as your e-board is faster than 6km/h you have a problem... sorry for the bitter thruth :(


Wish you the best!

or maybe better: Good luck for tomorrow!

  • 2 weeks later...



News is - the policewoman who confiscated my board did not fill out the "auftrag" for testing - I guess she forgot... Therefore they received this just today (two weeks after the board was confiscated - I believe the lady was on a short vacation in the meantime - good it wasn't a long vacation...).


Yet again they are saying it will be tested on Thursday - this Thursday I hope. I had a bit of trouble understanding the guy on the line so I'll drive over there now - maybe will be better in person - he mentioned some "widerspruch angelegt" but I did not submit anything to them so... no clue what's happening.


Wish me luck - I'll need that ;-) Doesn't help I'm flying to Finland today and won't be back for another two weeks or so... Crap.






Damn. thats bad news... :(

Yeah the german bureaucracy is a lill bit uncomfortable sometimes...

I wish you as much luck as possible!! :thumbsup:

Hope you can still enjoy your vacation/home visiting :)


Keep your pecker up!

  rnrnrn schrieb:
I had a bit of trouble understanding the guy on the line so I'll drive over there now - maybe will be better in person - he mentioned some "widerspruch angelegt" but I did not submit anything to them so... no clue what's happening.

"Widerspruch einlegen" (to lodge an objection against the confiscation and everything else which might follow) is mantatory!


I hope the police will have some fun while testing and get a e-skate by himself :D and give it back to you but ... the law, the good german law. Hope you get it back without to much trouble.

In whitch police station is your board now ?


Hey All,


The board is back - dusty but otherwise in good condition. Judging from the report I do not believe it was in any way tested and also - the report does not specify why exactly it would not be possible to register or insure it. The people at the Kfz-Sicherstelle told me to call the guy in Dekra - but my question is whether I'll be able to communicate with them correctly enough.


Maybe someone here would be kind enough to call them and check what they know about it? The numbers are there on the report - maybe we can find out a bit more...







Its because they recognized, that the board is faster than 6km/h.

Thats all they need to know :-/


If we would be able to limit the speed to 6km/h everything would be fine...


If I have time I try to work on something like that :)


I modify my board with Nunchuck and Teensy .... with 6 km/H switch :D,

In germany are many things ..... different :-/


You got your board back, thats nice.

You must drive careful !!!! and kick push some times in Germany.


yes 6km/h is an option, or easier just hide the remote, and tell them you push it through the city and only ride it electric at home. As the evolve are very easy to push and roll far it makes sense.

Without remote you can't accelerate the motor so 0km/h, but push as fast as you want.

This is my excuse, I never had to use it, because I was never stopped in 5 years with different boards.


Es sei denn, der Publizist ist nicht ganz so Doof und berührt den heißen Motor : )

Aber ich bin in all den Jahren auch noch nicht

ernsthaft angehalten worden.

Gruß Klaus


Ich bin in den letzten 6 Jahren nicht angehalten worden und da hatte ich noch nne 14Kg elektroskate aus England und dannn ein Metroboard. Man muss schon etwas angepasst fahren und die Augen offen halten. Dann klappts auch ohne Auffällig zu erscheinen zumal seit ein paar Jahren der Longboard Hype ausgebrochen ist und imme mehr Longboards zu sehen sind. Oft auch getragen ... hrhr


I think the key is to act casual und do your thing.


I drive around my city a lot recently and when i see the police i hide the RC

and start pushing.

I make an exhausted face impression and mind my own business, no cop got suspicious so far :D


I also covered up the blue LED, so nobody will realize, that this is a electro board by night.


As long as you´re not driving 30km/h uphill with a policecar behind you or you get really unlucky,

it shouldn´t be too hard to hide it.


I´m more afraid of a bust because i charge my board and they think i´m testing a fucking jet engine in my livingroom.

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