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Marbel - The Lightest Electric Skateboard in the World


Empfohlene Beiträge

  • 11 months later...



Hab zwar keins geordert aber diesen Freitag gehen die ersten Boards raus.

Ich persönlich finde die Grösse ganz interessant.






Shipping Update


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Backers | Internationals | Pre-Orders


Many of the boards purchased by Kickstarter Backers, international orders, and pre- orders will be shipped by June 22, 2015. Yes, we know that #1 question is "When is my board shipping?" For some we know that answer, for others we don't. We just want to be honest, transparent and let you that there will be some who do not get a board shipped by June 22,2015. For those individuals, we will notify them shortly and make an official public announcement as to the dates are. Today we cannot give exact dates because there would be errors.


Though this information is vague, we will have a much more accurate system in place once we finalize the timing process for production and shipping. We will also follow up on where we are with this system in the next few weeks.


International wird kein einziges Board am 22. Juni rausgehen, ich bin mal so frech und behaupte das... ich verfolge die Kommunikationskultur von Marbel schon lange, seit Anfang an... Es ist eine Katastrophe...

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