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EnertionBoards.com - Lifes too short to push


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Hi, My name is Jason. I live in a place called Newcastle, On the east coast of Australia. I have been reading here for some time :o, but this is one of MY first post on here :( sorry for not contributing earlier than now.... Recently I have had some orders from people in Germany & Netherlands too, so i thought I should make myself known on here, I do look forward to becoming a part of this community & contributing back as much as possible :thumbsup: instead of just being a leach:skep:!


So far in my electric skateboard journey I have made a few complete eboards for mates and made many revisions of my own eboard setup.


This is my current ride:





If you want to ask me about my build specifications please post your questions below.



I also converted a section of garage into a dedicated eboard work space, it's also a great place to drink beer with my friends too.... Or just escape my wife when she nags me too much about house work!

Enertion Boards HQ




I think life is too short to push, I also think lifes too short not to do what you really enjoy doing, i love product design & systems development so I designed/manufactured my own DIY system so other people can make their own electric skateboards. Check it out

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If it wasn't for the amazing depth of knowledge made available & also given for free on this forum & others forums such as .... I'd still be pushing! So I am very grateful!


Therefore I would like to pay back to the Elektro skateboard community here, So I would like to inform you all I am offering the chance for two lucky people to score their very own Enertion Boards Propulsion Kit / DIY Electric Skateboard Kit. With the kits below you will have nearly everything mechanical you need to build your own electric skateboard.






>STEP 1: Like our facebook page here:


>>STEP 2: ANSWER THIS QUESTION: Why are MOTOR'S (on a skateboard) better than PUSHING?..... Imagine you're trying to convince a hard core non-powered skateboard rider that they should have an EBOARD.


>>>STEP 3: Post your answer onto our facebook page, the most thoughtful/best answer wins. !!Minimum 150 words!! JUDGED BY ME.


>>>>STEP 4: ALSO Copy & paste your answer in the Endless shpere thread so that others can easily read it.


>>>>>STEP 5: Share this >

< youtube video on your Facebook Page. This is a video showing how easy it is to mount motors onto your skateboard... I think people need to realise this!. Then more people don't have to push anymore!







PRIZE #1 - Value over $630 AUD

The Enertion Propulsion K1 - Including free shipping to your door anywhere in the world

Win this electric skateboard kit and you will have everything you need 'mechanically' plus trucks & wheel assembly needed to build your own dual-rear-drive diy electric skateboard.



PRIZE #2 - Value over $500 AUD

The Enertion Propulsion K2 - Including free shipping to your door anywhere in the world

Win this electric longboard skateboard kit and you will have everything you need 'mechanically' to retro-fit onto your existing long board that is fitted with a set of caliber trucks to make your own dual-rear-drive diy electric longboard.



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