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  1. Well, that's good.
  2. That's good. I supposse they didn't make you pay anything else for this, as it's still in guarantee, right? No shipping costs or anything. Or did they make u pay?
  3. Oh, I see. So, Legendary, you didn't get the battery yet? I hope you get it. :thumbsup: Let us know...
  4. Legendary, what is your problem with your board now? I read your message in youtube where you say "(yes my board is now broken )" So the battery failed, and then the engine too? Aren't you upset about it? Can it be fixed?
  5. Hi! Yes, I recognised you. Hey, thanks for the reply, nobody replied in the English version of the forum, I think it's inactive. Well, I am thinking very seriously in buying the ES AIR 500 for using it to go to my job everyday. Could you tell me what is the maintenance this skateboard requires, and how often? Do you think it is possible to make this board waterproof, so I could use it even the days it's raining? Thanks Dominik :thumbsup:
  6. Sorry... I don't speak German... but I would like to ask: was this problem solved? (I've been using a translator to understand the thread) I am considering to buy the same board, and I'm interested to know how reliable they are.
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