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  1. hallo, kann mit unseren elektrischen moutainboard aufgeladene teilnehmen? ich eine gute Demo Elektro moutainboard tun Ich habe gerade Frankreich
  2. we can not find the factory motor I myself that is a prototype. the final version will be distributed and Willozboard powered by a young French Brand or I take care of the communication, the site willozboard manufactures and sells kite kit for moutainboard and then to curvaboard will be available soon: D by cons to buy a curvaboard must go through to site http://www.curvaboard.com if you love snowboarding in the powder is exactly the same feeling on the curvaboard!! then with an engine that is pure pleasure! : D
  3. E-curvaboard version V1.3 soon V2
  4. riderpaca


    Vom Album E-curvaboard

  5. riderpaca


    the first world E-curvaboard
  6. im grunde 4WD 5700w dann 2WD 2700w
  7. riderpaca


    willozboard all Brand product (kit 2wD/4WD for moutainboard ) made in French
  8. riderpaca

    jump on électric moutainboard

    Vom Album E-Mtb

  9. riderpaca

    Willozvoard v2

    hi wow!!!!! c6374 good in 174kv my moto is 230Kv transmisson in 13/65 (max speed 50k/h)
  10. riderpaca

    Willozvoard v2

    voltage: 22.22v (x2) Lipo Amperage 5800mAh (x2) motor brushless (c6364 2865w axe 10mm)
  11. riderpaca

    willozboard V10

    thanks My future prototype will be ultra compact... coming soon
  12. riderpaca

    willozboard V10

    Vom Album E-Mtb

  13. riderpaca

    Willozvoard v2

    Vom Album E-Mtb

  14. riderpaca

  15. riderpaca

    180 to tape

  16. NOn j ai des restes d'anglais et d'allemand mais avec un peu d entrainement ca reviens enfin en tous cas kai parle bien l Anglais donc ca sera mieux pour discuter,<br />


  17. riderpaca

    Good!!!!! you have an electric skate association?????
  18. riderpaca


    Merci,danke,thank you
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