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Berto hat zuletzt am 13. Juni 2021 gewonnen

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Newbie (1/14)

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Reputation in der Community

  1. Berto

    Neues Evolve Modell

    Like I said before be my guest and be jolly with it ride your board… i stick to my Apple, Evolve and bloody yes my Tesla…. Tesla, Evolve, Apple didn’t invented the stuff they sell…. But they combined several techniques already existing, in a consumer friendly and unique product…. ❤️
  2. Berto

    Neues Evolve Modell

    Evolve is the ‚apple‘ brand of e Skateboards…. and damm I like my apple products but please go own and ride your Samsung galaxy ….😎
  3. Berto

    Neues Evolve Modell

  4. And don’t forget ACAB 😜
  5. Germans and Humor always a Problem.... and don‘t mention the war .... 😚
  6. Nach alt Deutschen Tradition: ‘Befehl ist Befehl‘ 🙁 ......
  7. Evolve gtx AT Reife Offroad downhill .........yahoooooo O by the way Custom service von evolve 1A Love it
  8. Berto

    EE: Update Klage

    Ich schenke 50 Euro....
  9. Ja leve mijn landgenoten!!!
  10. Berto

    EE: Update Klage

    Tor 2
  11. Relax breathe in breathe out Start screaming 🤪
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