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  1. Hi, I placed this in the german language section of the forum, I am hoping one of you fine people can help me. I was thinking of putting a new deck on my ES AIR 500 board, and although the truck mount screw holes seem standard, I was wondering if someone have the dimensions and what size holes I need to drill for the battery box ... I am not even sure what those little fitters that slide down into the holes on the board are called, the ones that hold the battery box on to the board, there are four of those and the screws are bolted from the bottom. Anyway, I am looking to change that deck that came with the ES AIR 500 and change to a longer 42" deck, so I want to doublecheck and confirm the type of screws on the ES AIR 500 and what those screw fitters are called and what size holes I need. Thanks in advance, I am not so technical about these things, so I want to check before I start drilling anything. Cheers Dave
  2. Finn

    Geco ES 600

    yes very nice
  3. Finn


    Raldey is the chinese brand name I think... the electric skateboard is the same, at least when I bought the ES AIR 500 from Electroskate website, the board came to me with the name Raldey... but it is the same electric skateboard that is made in china. Cheers Dave
  4. Finn

    Fs: Es-air 500

    Hi, well I have decided to sell my ES-500 Watt Air Board, since I am going to invest in some other equipment. The board itself is in brand new condition, never ridden outside and all original packaging, manual is included. Also this board is not the stock board with the smaller wheels, the ABEC 11 compound wheels I purchased extra (85 euro value). The wheels are 95mm black color. I live in Helsinki, so I can ship to anywhere in Europe for about 40 euros. So total price including shipping will be 500 Euros. If you are interested, please PM me. There is a picture of the board also on this site here: http://www.elektro-skateboard.de/forum/bilder/es+air+500-179/es-air-500-1458.php So if you want a good deal on an ES-AIR 500 board at good price + good wheels, or if you know someone who wants a good deal, please let me know. I can accept paypal or eu money transfer to my bank in Finland. You can get more info on the board from ES website: Cheers Dave
  5. Finn

    ES-600 gesucht !!!

    Hi, I sent you a private message about this.... happy riding ! Cheers Dave
  6. Andrew, what kind of wheels are those in the picture? Thanks in advance.
  7. Finn

    Skatey - The original

    I think I will need to buy them all and then when I die, I can have them buried with me and I can ride them all on perfect skating paths in the afterlife and ghost-haunt all the bad boards p.s. Sometimes I like to ride my regular skateboard
  8. Super cool !!
  9. Finn

    ES AIR 500

    Yeah it is pretty stealthy... if it only had a jet black finish, it would be cool, or camoflauge I have not weighed it officially, but it is pretty light... I can lift with one hand no problem and I can carry under arm no problem ..but I might look a little funny on a bus... But you really have to look twice at this board to see it is an electric... One thing, is that the motor seems super quiet compared to my brush motor boards, I do not know if that is just me though... The board size is perfect for me... but I tend to like longboards also... From my test ride, I can say it really does turn on a dime... As soon as I can take it outside, I have a nice flat path nearby, I am going to do the GPS speed test etc.. but so far I can say the acceleration was very acceptable to me ... I do not really ride at full speed most of the time, but it is nice to know you have it, when you need it. Cheers Dave
  10. Finn

    ES AIR 500

    Thanks I am sooo ready to go riding...
  11. Finn

    ES AIR 500

    Vom Album ES AIR 500

  12. Finn

    ES AIR 500

    Pictures of the ES AIR 500 board. 500w motor 8.9 kg
  13. Hi Wladi, welcome to the forum, my ES AIR 500 is coming today in the post ! I will take some unboxing pictures and some additional pictures of the board and post for you to look at ! Cheers Dave
  14. Hi, this is totally different board than the Elektroskate... This motor is 200W and Elektroskate is 500, 600 or 900 W. As far as the battery is concerned, I think it is probably similar to ES AIR 500 (36V) but I am not sure if the battery is sourced from different LiPO manufacturer not... You could ask from Jeff or Fleur from Evolve on statistics about the motor and battery though, they are really nice guys in Australia and are best to answer questions about this board. info@evolveskateboards.com.au I have actually found same exact ES board on other skateshops, compare for example this board in Australia from Neptune Electric Skateboards, the specs seem to be almost if not EXACTLY the same as ES-AIR 500 (except maybe the deck is different): http://www.neptuneelectric.com.au/boards/tarmac-carvers.html?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=1&category_id=3 These boards seems to be mainly manufactured in Jiangsu, China, but I am not too sure about that... but still... I like these kinds of lightweight boards... I have also the Metro-Board shortboard and that is a great board, although totally different design... On the Evolve board, the main thing that gets me pumped about this board is the deck/trucks/bearings/wheels combo... really nice and about same price as ES board... I will know more in June/July when I get one of these for a real test This Evolve Board is also a totally new design..but the Evolve guys can tell you more if you want to ask them. As a side note, I did myself buy an ES-AIR 500 board from Elektroskate in UK so that I could try it out and compare to my other boards... Just as I will with the Evolve Board and also a new Metro-Board 2012 model with new 600W motor. Cheers Dave
  15. This is super cool
  16. Finn

    Evolve Electric Skateboard

    Photos of the new Evolve Electric Skateboard that will be available starting in June 2012.
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