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Scramboards New 63 mm motor image bad boy black !!


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Scramboard Vertigo Red Edition

· 17 Bilder
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One rollover and this bracket is bent.

My recommendation is 10mm min.



Hmm No our bracket is made of steel and 6 mm thick so it is seriously strong. Also our brackets would never touch the ground first, if for some FREAK reason you managed to flip the board upside down it is the battery box that would hit first and that is also made of steel and the bindings etc.

We would not waste our time selling such components unless they were reliable Scramboards are only manufactured with the finest components the only MTB boards with custom made ESC not from hobby king etc custom built for the job, custom built battery and pcb box etc.



The VESC you dont get by Hobbyking (-;

That the Batterybox touch the ground first i believe, it looks really big. What type of Batterys you use?



You are both Trolls who work for rival MTB company or affiliated with them. ;) Do you use Canvas bag for Battery box and pcb ?? what a fantastic solution do you have digital battery metre ?



The size of our battery box is not large its about the same size as your canvas bag boards battery box. Its also shaped specifically for the MTB foot stance and our battery comes in either a 12 ah or 16 ah 24 volt.



Keep calm and eat dirt (-; got no clue about "canvas bag boards", using UK Ultra Boxes. Its all good, just asked for the kind of Battery, thx for answer. Hang Loose.



lol No worries Jenso. ok yea I know them. Ps You are welcome to ride our boards anytime you are pro rider ! just been watching some of your video's-nice :)



First you call him troll and then pro rider.?!? Do you wanna kidding us? :)

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