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Bottom view of the Evolve Pintail Electric Skateboard


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Evolve Electric Skateboard

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looks like the electroskate motor and box. The org. elektroskate comes also from austria or not ?



Hi, this is totally different board than the Elektroskate... This motor is 200W and Elektroskate is 500, 600 or 900 W.


As far as the battery is concerned, I think it is probably similar to ES AIR 500 (36V) but I am not sure if the battery is sourced from different LiPO manufacturer not... You could ask from Jeff or Fleur from Evolve on statistics about the motor and battery though, they are really nice guys in Australia and are best to answer questions about this board.




I have actually found same exact ES board on other skateshops, compare for example this board in Australia from Neptune Electric Skateboards, the specs seem to be almost if not EXACTLY the same as ES-AIR 500 (except maybe the deck is different):




These boards seems to be mainly manufactured in Jiangsu, China, but I am not too sure about that... but still... I like these kinds of lightweight boards... I have also the Metro-Board shortboard and that is a great board, although totally different design...


On the Evolve board, the main thing that gets me pumped about this board is the deck/trucks/bearings/wheels combo... really nice and about same price as ES board... I will know more in June/July when I get one of these for a real test :) This Evolve Board is also a totally new design..but the Evolve guys can tell you more if you want to ask them.


As a side note, I did myself buy an ES-AIR 500 board from Elektroskate in UK so that I could try it out and compare to my other boards... Just as I will with the Evolve Board and also a new Metro-Board 2012 model with new 600W motor.





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