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Contest Willozboard Party

Contest Willozboard Party
Willozboard Party is the launch of the first iron electric mountainboard competitions in France, it is organized by the only French brand E-Mtb to date "willozboard" Recently opened to E-Mtb DIY (do it yourself) It takes place in 3 rounds (against the clock, boarder cross handle 1 and final) * The first champion Sylvain Da silva "Team willozboard" (2014 wzb1party France Jarnac Champagne 17) Organization: Raoul Saintot William Fabre Tel: 06 70 68 94 50 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Willozboard-Party/1030013590347010?fref=photo Partners: Obo Drink Relax, water jump party, Aquad jet land, Trampa, Willozboard, CA., LAFCOL ....
  • Album erstellt von riderpaca
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  • 9 Bilder
  • 310 Aufrufe

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